[한국어] 안녕하세요! 알렉산더입니다. 사랑하는 키스미 여러분 정말 오랜만이죠? (cont)
Alexander L. Eusebio
On Friday 11th March 2011, @alexander_0729 said:
안녕하세요! 알렉산더입니다.
사랑하는 키스미 여러분 정말 오랜만이죠? 죄송합니다. 이제야 여러분께 글을 올리게 됐어요.
여러분들이 아시는 것처럼 저는 유키스를 떠나게 되었고 소속사와의 계약도 해지하게 되었습니다.
무엇보다도 지난 3년간 계속 응원해주신 키스미 여러분, 정말 너무나 너무나 큰 사랑을 받았기에 더욱 마음이 아픕니다...
그동안 여러분의 사랑과 응원이 정말 큰 힘이 됐어요.
아울러 그동안 키워주신 소속사 김남희 대표님과 회사 식구 여러분 좋은 기회 주셔서 감사합니다.
그리고 함께 연습하고 놀고 싸우고 웃고 울고... 무대에 섰던 우리 유키스 동생들! 그동안 너무 재밌었고 또 많이 배웠어. 컴백 화이팅! 언젠간 우리 같은 무대에서 설 수 있는 날이 오겠지?
다시 한 번 키스미 여러분의 사랑에 진심으로 감사드리고 영원히 영원히 여러분의 사랑 잊지 않겠습니다.
그리고 이제 산더도 재충전해서 더욱 성장하고 발전한 모습으로 여러분을 만나고 싶습니다.
앞으로도 잘 부탁드립니다. 여러분 감사합니다. 그리고 사랑합니다!
Good morning everyone, this is Alexander. Long time no see. Thank you for waiting patiently during this difficult time.
As you all know, my departure from U-KISS has been official, and my contract with NH EMG has been terminated.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for all my beloved KISSme fans from all around the world for being my BEST support since my debut in U-KISS.
All of your love & support made me into who I am today, with all my achievements.
I know that my departure from U-KISS might be quite sudden and heart-breaking for most of our KISSme fans...
It is also heart-breaking for me to say goodbye to all of you. But I would say, I respect the decision of my company.
I would like to thank Mr. NH Kim (CEO of NH EMG) for giving me the opportunity to work as a member of U-KISS, and to thank all of my fellow NH EMG staffs for their care.
Nevertheless, I would like to thank my U-KISS members. During these 4 years, we played, we worked, we fought, we laughed, we cried... I have learnt so much from you guys...
Thank you so much for letting me be a big brother all these years... You guys are like real brothers to me... I'm sorry that I could not continue the journey with you guys...
But I will always be supporting you guys! All the best to your comeback. Hopefully one day we could once again stand together on the same stage... Love you all...
Although I have no idea what my next step will be, I will just humbly follow wherever the Lord leads me to.
Meanwhile, I would like to take a rest, do something meaningful, and upgrade myself.
Lastly, it was my honor to work for my beloved KISSme from all around the world.
I won't say this is a goodbye. Hope to see you all again very soon as a new Xander.
Thank you so so so much & I love y'all always...♥
"Although we've come, to the End of the road, still I can't let go..."♪ (Boyz II Men - End of the Road)
Buenos días a todos, este es Alexander. largo tiempo sin ver. Gracias por esperar con paciencia durante este tiempo difícil.
Como todos ustedes saben, mi partida de U-KISS ha sido oficial, y mi contrato con NH EMG ha sido terminado.
Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a Dios por todos mis fans kissme amada de todo el mundo por ser mi apoyo MEJOR desde mi debut en U-Kiss.
Todo tu amor y apoyo me ha hecho en lo que soy hoy en día, con todos mis logros.
Sé que mi partida de U-KISS podría ser muy repentina y el corazón de última hora-para la mayoría de nuestros fans kissme ...
También es desgarrador para mí decir adiós a todos ustedes. Pero yo diría, yo respeto la decisión de mi empresa.
Me gustaría agradecer al Sr. NH Kim (director general de NH EMG) por darme la oportunidad de trabajar como miembro de U-KISS, y dar las gracias a todos mis compañeros personal NH EMG para su cuidado.
Sin embargo, me gustaría dar las gracias a los miembros de mi U-KISS. Durante estos 4 años, jugamos, trabajamos, luchamos, nos reímos, lloramos ... He aprendido mucho de ustedes ...
Muchas gracias por dejarme ser un hermano mayor de todos estos años ... Ustedes son como verdaderos hermanos para mí ... Lo siento que no podía continuar el viaje con ustedes ...
Pero siempre será que el apoyo a los chicos! Todo lo mejor para su regreso. Esperemos que algún día podría volver a estar juntos en el mismo escenario ... Los amo a todos ...
Aunque no tengo idea de lo que mi siguiente paso será, yo sólo humildemente seguiré adondequiera que el Señor me conduce.
Mientras tanto, me gustaría tomar un descanso, hacer algo significativo, y mejorar yo mismo.
Por último, es un honor para mí trabajar para mi kissme amada de todo el mundo.
No voy a decir que esto es un adiós. Espero verlos a todos de nuevo muy pronto como un nuevo Xander.
Muchas gracias por lo mucho que ustedes y el amor siempre ... ♥
"A pesar de que hemos llegado, al fin del camino, todavía no puedo dejar ir ..." ♪ (Boyz II Men - End of the Road)