(/^o^)/♡ 귀여븐 동호
[ENG] (/^o^)/♡ cutie dongho


옆라인도 멋져멋져♡ (부제: 제발 카메라 좀 봐줘 ㅠ.ㅠ )
[ENG] Still handsome from the front profile ♡ (PS. please look at the camera ㅠ.ㅠ)
[ESP] Sin embargo apuesto aL partir del perfil frontal ♡ (Ps. por favor, mire a la cámara ㅠ. ㅠ)

키슈미 바람피면 혼난다!!
[ENG] KISSmes, if you cheat on us we’ll get angry!!
[ESP] KISSmes, si haces trampas nos vamos a enojar!
[PHOTOS] {TWITTER} 120220 U-KISS @ U-KISS Korea’s Update
CREDITS: @ukisskorea + @UKISS_intl
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