아쉽지만 투척할사진이 이제 없네요~ ㅠ 마지막 투척!!!♥ 이 Monserrate의 절경을 kissme에게 보여주고픈 마음~ㅎㅎ ㅋ The end 투척놀이..http://pic.twitter.com/h2HP5DVc
@HooN91y 투척놀이 끝이온다~~ ㅠ 이번엔 섭섭이와 훈!! ㅋㅋ 콜롬비아의 커피기다리며 흫
[Trans] Posting photos is almost done~~ ㅠ This time, SeopSeop & Hoon!! keke While waiting for Colombia’s coffee heuh
@HooN91y 다음샷 Monserrate타지 에서 I’m miss you kissme 를 외치는 훈 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[Trans] Next shot, Hoon shouting “I’m miss you kiss me” in Monseratte kekekekekeke
@HooN91y 아 이건 새샷 실패작인데 웃겨서 ㅋㅋㅋ 봉에 발 붙어잇는것 같죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[Trans] Ah this is another shot, it’s a failure but it’s funny kekeke It looked like my feet were stuck to the rail kekekekeke
@HooN91y 도착하자마자 뜻밖의 선물!!!!♥ 고마워~~~ ㅠㅠ 진짜 깜짝놀랏어요~ 흫 걱정마세요~쪼끔만 할게!!!헿
[Trans] Received an unexpected gift upon arriving!!!!♥ Thank you~~~ ㅠㅠ I was really surprised~ heuh Don’t worry! I’ll only play a little!!! heh
@HooN91y ㅎㅎ 뉴욕 찍고! 이제 한국으로가요~~! ㅋ 사진투척준비중~ 서비스 뉴욕샷 ㅋ
[Trans] hehe a shot in New York! Going to Korea now~~! ke Getting ready to show the photos~ Service New York shot ke
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