「私はその昔、これくらい唇が腫れ上がってましたが、今は主治医のお陰で、すっかり元に戻りました!」という、病院の広告用写真ではありません! 2012年度best of 天使 in 北半球 中間発表1位 U-KISSキソプのマブピ!
[Trans:@UKISS_JapanENG] “A long time ago, my lips were swollen to about this size, but thanks to my family doctor, I’ve gone back to normal now!”, but, this picture isn’t an advertisement for a hospital! Best of Angel in the northern hemisphere for 2012, during the midyear it was announced he ranked 1st place, U-KISS Kiseop’s qtpic!
[Trans:@UKISS_JapanENG] “A long time ago, my lips were swollen to about this size, but thanks to my family doctor, I’ve gone back to normal now!”, but, this picture isn’t an advertisement for a hospital! Best of Angel in the northern hemisphere for 2012, during the midyear it was announced he ranked 1st place, U-KISS Kiseop’s qtpic!
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